RIS3MUR (Smart Specialisation)

Camino de migas
“The European Union represents the best historical balance between national, regional and world interests” (Yuval Noah Harari)
“The European Union represents the best historical balance between national, regional and world interests” (Yuval Noah Harari)
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RIS3MUR (Smart Specialisation)
Technology search: SEIMED
Selling innovation: SEIMED
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InDemand RCT
PREPARE project
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In the Region of Murcia, with the support of the European Union, RIS3 (Investigation and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation) is the driving force behind our economic transformation programme. It efficiently focuses resources on the most promising areas of specialisation based on comparative and competitive advantages.
What can it be used for?
For promoting a new economic transformation model for the areas in which the Region of Murcia can be most competitive. With this in mind, the following sectors have been selected:
- The food and agriculture sector in its water/environment and logistics/transport facets.
- Drivers: energy, maritime and marine activities.
- Quality of life: tourism, health and habitat.
How does it work?
Specialisation: improved capabilities in the regional science-technology-business system, focusing on strategic areas of opportunity by encouraging creation, knowledge transfer and training in human resources.
Internationalisation: it seeks an open economy where people, knowledge, products and services flow on a global scale, incrementing both competition and new opportunities.
Hybridisation: it promotes cooperative and interdisciplinary R&D&I across all public and private agents in the system, fostering the creation of and participation in networks, thus driving a culture of innovation.
How was it set up?
- Two key documents were used as a reference for designing and creating RIS3Mur: ‘The RiS3 Key for self-assessment’ and the ‘RIS3 implementation guide’ issued by the European Union.
- It has six differentiating stages:
- Creation of a participative management structure.
- Analysis of the regional context and its potential for innovation.
- Creation of a shared vision of the future of the region.
- Selection of a limited number of priorities for regional development.
- Creation of an action plan: policy mix.
- Implementation of monitoring and assessment mechanisms.
How does it work?
Through three committees (Steering Committee, Executive Committee and Technical Committee) as well as a work group and a Technical Secretariat.
Further Information
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