
Camino de migas
“The European Union represents the best historical balance between national, regional and world interests” (Yuval Noah Harari)
“The European Union represents the best historical balance between national, regional and world interests” (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Organization
- Services Index
- European Programms
Brussels Office
Europe Cheque
Scale Up (Interreg Europe)
RIS3MUR (Smart Specialisation)
Technology search: SEIMED
Selling innovation: SEIMED
Business Opportunities
Life Adaptate
InDemand Health
Covenant of Mayors
InDemand RCT
PREPARE project
- Murcia Industry 4.0
- Investors
- European Regional Development Fund
- Contact
- Webs
- Documents
The main objective of INFO is to promote regional economic growth and competitiveness in the Region of Murcia by promoting the economy, increasing investment, removing obstacles and establishingan environment that favours competitiveness. With the aim of guaranteeing enhanced development and economic growth amongst regional SMEs, INFO focuses on the following lines of action:
- Research & Innovation - For promoting technological development ensuring that each company can access the technology that best suits its needs.
- Internationalisation - For boosting international corporate expansion through the Foreign Trade Promotion Plan.
- Investment - For promoting investment, development and growth projects by providing companies from inside and outside the region with information and consultancy services.
- Entrepreneurship - Support for entrepreneurs, creation, consolidation and transfer of companies.
- Access to finance - For helping businesses to access lines of finance for investments in assets, quality, technology, internationalisation and industrial equipment.
INFO provides personalised advice throughout the life cycle of regional SMEs and from different approaches: R+D+i, technology transfer, new technologies, ICT transformation, internationalisation and access to finance. Also, as the leading regional institution for entrepreneurship promotion and business creation, plus a strong political commitment to entrepreneurship and business development, INFO offers institutional, technical and specialised support for entrepreneurs and business starts up, carrying out specific actions to support business creation and entrepreneurs, and supporting the regional innovation ecosystem by developing synergies between companies, universities, technological and research centres and the regional government.
Moreover, INFO offers personalised and integrated consultancy servicesin the field of access to finance for SMEs, entrepreneurs, internationalisation, investors, innovation, EU programmes andinfrastructures. Financial aid is tailored to support entrepreneurial initiatives and satisfy the needs of consolidated companies. In joint operation with financial entities and other public bodies, various support lines are offered consisting of non-refundable grants, microcredits and other financial instruments such as Loan Guarantee and Venture Capital schemes, amongst others. INFO participates in Murcia Emprende (ME), a venture capital firm that is firmly committed to generating wealth and creating employment in the Region of Murcia, financing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial businesses that are keen to develop their potential to the full in order to keep on growing and improving.
INFO has extensive expertise and technical capacity in EU funding management. It has been the leading intermediary organisation in charge of implementing a Global Grant from ERDF in the European Union since 1990. The current 2014-2020 period includes the following main actions: improving the financial situation of SMEs; fostering innovation management; quality standards; internationalisation and foreign promotion of products; improvement of competitiveness; and promotion of local and social development. INFO is also the regional coordinator of the Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3Mur).
In term of EU Programmes, and based on its understanding of the importance of participating in EU projects as an instrument forinternationalisation, competitiveness and increasing knowledge, INFO works to facilitate the participation of regional companies and intermediate business organisations in EU funding programmes. INFO participates in a wide variety of EU projects in a range of areas including regional economic development, business innovation, entrepreneurship support, cluster promotion, etc. and in the framework of different EU programmes such as Horizon 2020, COSME, LIFE andInterreg.
INFO is an active member of several European networks such as the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), the EU initiative aimed at providing business and innovation support to enterprises, the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) and the European Regions Research and Innovation Networks (ERRIN).
In 2011, INFO was awarded the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) Label by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission.