
Camino de migas
Apartado exclusivo para emprendedores, con actuaciones adaptadas según diferentes niveles, acceso a subvenciones y herramientas inteligentes
Apartado exclusivo para emprendedores, con actuaciones adaptadas según diferentes niveles, acceso a subvenciones y herramientas inteligentes
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RIS3MUR (Smart Specialisation)
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PREPARE project
- Murcia Industry 4.0
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- European Regional Development Fund
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Context of the project
Agro2Circular (A2C) project is focused on the implementation of the first territorial systemic solution for the upcycling of most relevant residues in the agrifood sector (fruits& vegetables and plastic multilayers) into high added Value products, powered by a digital tool and constructed upon a systemic approach with high replicable/scalable potential.
Through this solution, A2C will face important industrial, economic & social challenges in the agrifood
- 1) The fruits & vegetables (F&V) are the group of major contribution to food waste along the food supply chain rising up to > 40% of waste, and are as excellent source of natural bioactives. However, these F&V wastes are not exploited. A2C will valorise them by green routes to obtain these bioactives for the production of nutraceuticals, functional foods, and cosmetics.
- 2) Multilayer plastic films are widely used as industrial packaging for the protection of food and agriculture for crops due to their unique barrier properties. However, there is a lack of sorting and recycling technologies for an economic and environmentally sustainable valorisation of these multilayer structures. A2C will develop the first recycling value chain for post-industrial multilayer films based on a synergistic approach combining innovative sorting, physical delamination, enzymatic depolymerisation, decontamination & mechanical recycling.
- 3) There is a lack of digitalisation in the agrifood sector. A2C will implement a Data Integration System (DIS) as a digital tool for ensuring traceability and as Predictive Decision Tool in the agrifood sector.
- A2C will be a demonstrated in the Regi?n de Murcia (Spain) and replicable systemic solution throughout Europe for the territorial deployment of the circular economy.
- This circular approach will be shaped around a multidimensional model enabling adoption and scalability of territorial systemic solutions while being sustainable, regenerative, inclusive, fair, boosting urban®ional economies, empowering all actors (citizens, industries, decision makers, academia) and fostering circular practices.
INFO´s role in A2C
Info as a regional economy booster and as an intermediary of European Funds will ensure transferring the project's results. Coordinating and promoting the RIS3 Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Region of Murcia, including the Circular Economy, the agri-food and the plastics sectors as part of its priorities. It’s the body of the Regional Administration coordinating and promoting the Network of Technology Centres, one of which is A2C promoter and leader.
Developing dissemination, awareness-raising, results translation and technology transfer, such as identifying new business models and innovative practices in companies with production processes with an environmental point of view. Supporting the creation of innovative technology-based companies to exploit the results of the project's research. Designing incentives for companies to adopt the best practices derived from the project in the companies involved as well as in others.
With the rest of the Regional Administration Departments, working on governance actions, policy recommendations for the implementation of circular economy models and seeking the validation of the final results of the project in order to extend them. Technologies in the project will be supported, among others, Blockchain for traceability along the value chain.
What partners are?
Some 41 partners are participating in Agro2circular, 18 of them are business operators located in the Murcia región, as follows:
- Coordinator. CETEC- Asociación empresarial de investigación Centro Tecnológico del Calzado y del Plástico de la Región de Murcia.
- Socio 2. GWC- Green World Compounding, SL
- Socio 7. CETBIO- Cetec Biotechnology, SL
- Socio 11. REGENERA- Regenera Levante, SL
- Socio 13. CTNC- Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva
- Socio 14. MOCITOS- Agrotransformados, SA
- Socio 15. ALMOND- Laboratorios Almond, SL
- Socio 16. PROEXPORT- Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas de la Región de Murcia.
- Socio 18. CITROMIL- Citromil, SL
- Socio 24. CARM- Comunidad Autónoma de la región de Murcia
- Socio 26. AGROFOOD- Fundación Clúster Agroalimentario de la Región de Murcia
- Socio 31. PRIMAFRIO- Fundación Primafrio
- Socio 32. INFO- Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia
- Socio 33. ECOTRACE- Ecotrace Plastic, SL
- Socio 34. EQUMETRICS- Equmetrics, SL
- Socio 37. SOLPLAST- Solplast, SA
- Socio 38. EVERSIA- Eversia, SA
- Socio 39. LOLOBio- Tribu Bio & Wild SL
Activities for INFO
INFO is teaming up for Agro2Circular due to its dynamiser role of the regional economy and responsible for business development in the Murcia región. More precisely, tasks trusted to INFO are:
- Alignement with Smart Specialisation Strategy RIS3Mur.
- New models for businesses (EIBTs, Spin-off)
- Transfer of results from concrete business sectors to others
- Responsible for Technology transfer.
- Inward attraction in the región is sought.
- Financial support schemes widely offer to regional SMEs.
- Dissemination of RTD results in industrial businesses
What about budget?
Budget for Murcia región partners: | €6,229,591 |
EU cofunding for Murcia región partners: | €5,065,269 |
More information
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Departamento de iniciativas europeas
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