Investment Acceleration Unit (UNAI)

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This administrative unit, which is fully integrated into INFO, provides ongoing support so that companies that have investment projects can execute them easily and efficiently. UNAI has a close collaboration relationship with the Regional Ministry of Development, Public Works and Territorial Planning, the Regional Ministry of Agriculture and Water plus other entities within the regional government and particularly through the Investments Technical Committee which was set up in order to speed up businesses project execution and remove red tape.
What is on offer?
- Project prioritisation: projects that have UNAI certification are urgent projects which are prioritised by regional government offices.
- Shorter deadlines: deadlines are halved.
- Guidance: projects with UNAI backing are delivered a report a fortnight after requests are submitted, including a comprehensive roadmap with the necessary authorisations and formalities.
- Administrative monitoring and coordination: regular reports provide project promoters with timely information on the status of their application.
- INFO: a one-stop shop that coordinates the application and tracking process with all other administrative bodies and organisms.
- Electronic management platform: requests are submitted, and project formalities and documentation are monitored using an electronic management platform.
How does it work?
- Business promoters submit a request and corresponding report. An internal UNAI-INFO commission assesses the project within 48 hours, checks that the project meets the requirements for UNAI support and gets back to the promoter.
- Following this, the project paperwork is sent to the members of the Investments Technical Committee (regional government departments, city councils and other organisms) so that it can be analysed.
- An Investments Technical Committee meeting is held within the following fortnight. The promoter is invited to participate in that meeting and a roadmap with the necessary formalities is drawn up.
- The promoter submits authorisation requests and any other mandatory documentation to INFO and UNAI delivers them to all the organisms that are involved.
- Formality milestones are established and UNAI is responsible for monitoring them.
- Periodic tracking reports (monthly).
- Final Report (once formalities have been completed).
- Analysis of processes and improvement proposals.
Who can use it?
Any project that meets at least one of the following two requirements:
- An investment in excess of 3.000.000 euros, excluding property assets.
- Creation of 25 full time jobs.
How can i access it?
Using the Electronic Branch (INFO DIRECT)
How much does it cost?
This service is free.
900 700 706