Apartado exclusivo para emprendedores, con actuaciones adaptadas según diferentes niveles, acceso a subvenciones y herramientas inteligentes
Apartado exclusivo para emprendedores, con actuaciones adaptadas según diferentes niveles, acceso a subvenciones y herramientas inteligentes
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The NEVERMORE project is determined in supporting excellence in climate research and overcoming the current silo approach in evaluating climate change impacts and risks across sectors and adaptation and mitigation policies and measures. To achieve its ambitious goals, the project will develop an integrated common assessment framework consistent across scales for modelling, simulating and evaluating impacts and risks of climate change, as well as policy measures. The NEVERMORE approach integrates information from physical modelling of impacts and risk analysis methodologies and aligns them across different scales: from national, EU and global scales (in the IAM) to local and regional scales via five case studies (Sitia-Crete-GR, Trentino-IT, Västerbotten and Norrbotten-SE, Murcia Region-ES, Danube delta-RO) that represent various socio-ecological EU contexts. Consistency among the different scales is ensured by combining bottom-up and top-down approaches.
The NEVERMORE assessment framework will be embedded in a practical and user-friendly ICT toolkit, including decision-making tools, designed and developed with and for different stakeholders and end-users involved throughout the project via five Local and a Transnational Council of Stakeholders, by leveraging social innovation frameworks, participatory processes and co-design techniques. NEVERMORE’s ultimate goal is to better understand the interactions between mitigation and adaptation policies and measures to deliver sound technical and policy recommendations towards a climate neutral and resilient society.
INFO´s Budget, fully funded by Horizon Europe: 213.750 euros
Desertification (soil erosion), is mainly found in agricultural systems, especially in marginal agricultural areas on steep slopes and with bad agricultural practices and also in intensively irrigated lands. The main desertification problem is due to unsustainable water management. The current expansion of irrigated lands outside the areas suited for agriculture is increasing the intensity of aquifer exploitation, already causing serious problems of salinization, the loss of springs and wetlands and associated biodiversity and the exhaustion of non-renewable groundwater resources. Local municipalities have the competence to rule mitigation and adaptation measures, but they have scarcely managed to integrate the local regulations in conformity with climate change adaptation.
The main work packages INFO is participating are:
- Project coordination
- Stakeholder engagement, co-design activities and social science for climate action
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies
- Analysis of climate change impacts and risk at case study Murcia region
- Communication and exploitation
No. | Organisation name | Short name | Org. type | Country |
1 | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | FBK | RTO | Italy |
2 | Fundación CARTIF | CARTIF | RTO | Spain |
3 | National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" | NCSRD | RTO | Greece |
4 | RINA Consulting | RINA-C | IND | Italy |
5 | Software Imagination & Vision | SIMAVI | IND | Romania |
6 | Association des Agences de la Democratie Locale | ALDA | NGO | France |
7 | Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici | CMCC | RTO | Italy |
8 | Zentrum für Soziale Innovation | ZSI | RTO | Austria |
9 | IVL Svenska Miljoeinstitutet AB | IVL | RTO | Sweden |
10 | University of Valladolid | UVa | UNI | Spain |
11 | Potsdam Institut Fuer Klimafolgenforschung | PIK | RTO | Germany |
12 | Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia | INFO | PUB | Spain |
13 | Provincia Autonoma di Trento | PAT | PUB | Italy |
14 | Municipality of Satia (Dimos Sitias) | SITIA | PUB | Greece |
15 | Institutia Prefectului Judetul Tulcea | TULCEA | PUB | Romania |
16 | Energikontor Norr AB (North Sweden Energy Agency) | EKNorr | SME | Sweden |
45 municipalities formally adhered to Covenant of Mayors in Murcia region but no all duly registered. There is a range of 15 to 20 target municipalities in the Murcia region willing to develop a SECAP according to the methodology elaborated in the framework of the LifeAdaptate project, with the support of INFO Murcia (regional coordinator of CoM initiative) and leveraging NEVERMORE outcomes. The project may assess the implication of the climate change adaptation for small and medium target municipalities in the region.
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Departamento de iniciativas europeas
900 700 706